Evangelic Parochial Church

Evangelic Parochial Church


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Piaţa Huet, Nr. 1, Sibiu, România


Due to the rehabilitation works of the historical monument, St. Mary's Church can be partially visited. The Sacristy, the  Church Choir  and The Tower can be visited from Monday to Saturday from 09 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sunday from 11.30 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Located in Albert Huet Square, it is one of the most impressive gothic places of worship of Romania. On its location there used to be a Romanic basilica (12th century), a cemetery, three chapels and a school. 

The Evangelic Parochial Church (14th century) has a massive 73,34 m high bell-tower, making it visible from almost any corner of Sibiu. The seven-story tower has four turrets at the corners, symbolizing that in the past the city had the right to death sentence. 

The interior of the place can be seen as well, the balcony on the Southern side housing the manuals of the grate electropneumatic organ, in front of the prospect from 1672 built by the Slovak master Johann West and decorated in baroque style. The new organ was manufactured by the Wilhelm Sauer company (Frankfurt/Oder) and installed in the Sibian church in 1915. 

Another attraction is the brass baptismal font, located in the axis of the church, decorated with 228 embossed plaques, many of them being figurative representations of byzantine influence. The baptismal font is shaped like a giant cup with a base, stand, joint and basin and is dating since 1438, being the creation of a master Leonhardus.

*photo by: Rareș Helici

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